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You searched for "A Design-Oriented Computer Simulation"

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The Leading & Managing (L&M) journal is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified academics for the role of Editor/Editors commencing in 2023. 
L & M is a blind double peer reviewed publication of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL).
Deadline for EOI submissions is COB Friday 7 October 2022.
Follow this link for further information. 
Between 16 June and 9 August, a series of 4 (four) seminars were delivered via zoom about Australian Research Council (ARC) Discover Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) scheme. This series included:

Workshop One 16 June
‘Thinking about applying: What makes a successful DECRA project?’

Workshop Two 4 July
‘Setting yourself up for DECRA success: What does the ARC expect?’

Workshop Three 26 July
‘Presenting yourself as a successful researcher: How to wri…
News from the Gender, Sexualities and Cultural Studies SIG
Zoom Workshop: Engaging with the Media for impact, followed by Panel discussion
Date: Thursday, 29 September, 2022
Time: 11am to 1pm
Registration opening soon.

An important part of our work as researchers is to disseminate our findings and create impact. One approach to this is to share our research with non-academic audiences through the media. Taking into account that the media can be a complex space for sex, gen…
À¶ÄñÊÓƵhas recently resubscribed to MCERA’s Silver services. This allows AARE-registered researchers to engage with MCERA in a variety of ways. 

MCERA can help you to engage with discussions around your areas of expertise through expert comments and briefings. If you are aware of a topic that is being under-reported, or mis-reported, or is missing the nuance; or if you know of an event coming up that might be newsworthy that you’d like to comment on, let the MCERA staff know. We will work with…
Teacher shortages - what is the real issue and how can it be rectified?

MCERA hosted Professor Claire Wyatt-Smith of ACU, the University of Newcastle's Professor Susan Ledger (member of the NSW Council of Deans of Education) and Professor Jenny Gore ( À¶ÄñÊÓƵmember), and Associate Professor Jane Hunter of UTS talking about the underlying issues of the current teacher shortage.

A recording of the discussion can be found here.

Warm regards

Dr Shannon Schedlich
Chief Executive
Ph: 0434 436 08…
The À¶ÄñÊÓƵExecutive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience.The À¶ÄñÊÓƵExecutive offers opportunities to support the quality and reputation of education research in Australia, serve the research community, lead within the organisation, and to gain valuable Board experience.

I invite members to nominate for a role on the Executive Committee.

The Australian Educational Researcher is seeking to appoint up to six new members of the Editorial Team to support the work of the journal in publishing high quality research of interest to members of the Australian educational research community:

Two to three Associate Editors; and
Two to three Early Career Researcher Editor Interns.
As part of giving practical voice to AARE’s commitment—articulated in the Association’s Statement of Reconciliation of December 2018—to support Aboriginal and Tor…
À¶ÄñÊÓƵis a proud Industry Partner of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child.  The official launch of the Centre took place on the 21st September 2022. The event celebrated the Digital Child and set expectations about the values the Centre holds with the voices of children at its heart.

The Centre’s 2021 Annual Report is now available, charting its achievements in its establishment year, as it built the foundation for delivering its vision: Australian children, healthy, educated and…
News from the Cultural Historical & Activity Theory SIG
Sociocultural and Activity Theory (SAT) SIG has changed the name to Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT). Sociocultural theory was used in the early days of the movement of Vygotsky’s ideas into America but now the theoretical, methodological and empirical family of theory who trace their lineage to Vygotsky have become known as cultural-historical & activity research. If your research involves the use of CHAT or you have int…
Media 101 
Ahead of the À¶ÄñÊÓƵConference, MCERA CEO Dr Shannon Schedlich will run an hour-long session to introduce you to the basics of media engagement. 

As a researcher, it is important to be engaging with the media to assist with impact of your research. 

This session will cover who you should be talking to, how you can, and why it’s important. There will be discussion about the different pathways you can take, and how you can look at your research to frame for newsworthiness. 
