Learning Continuity Plan of Governor Felicisimo T San Luis Integrated Senior High School: Challenges and Resolutions

Year: 2021

Author: ADEFUIN, MA. CECILIA, Caisip, Raul

Type of paper: Pre-Recorded Individual Paper

Pre-recorded presentation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0LKKedxVxAA positivism research design was considered to describe the implementation of Governor Felicisimo T.Sanluis integrated senior high school learning continuity plan(LCP) which focuses on the challenges on management of school operations most specially the class facilitation of teachers in junior high school and senior high school level. It aims to describe the results of the plan with emphasis on preparation of self-learning modules (SLMs), distribution and retrieval of SLMs, class facilitation, learning assessment and instructional supervision. The data shows that 31.2% of teachers said that SLM is not available for their subject, while 75% of teachers said that printing and reproduction of SLMs is properly coordinated to school administration and resources are sufficient to produce enough copies for their students, 98.2% of the students received their SLMs on or before October 5, 2020, while 88.1% of the students said they received a complete SLMs.  Different strategies such as regular follow up to students using social media and even sending messages using mobile phone of the learners and the parents to ensure students will be monitored in his/her learning achievements. Available technology tools were also utilized to facilitate classes online. School regular virtual meetings “kumustahan” help to discuss problems, issues in facilitating class most specifically in retrieving module output of the students as basis of student performances/assessments. The "kumustahan" helps teachers to adapt the best practices that is effective and be updated to issues and concerns of the learners as well as the teachers. Based on the data, 94.3% of the student respondents understand their lessons, 96.3% of them join the created group chat in social media (Facebook) as means of communication about school related activities and follow up among student’s activity output and requirements, 75% of teacher respondents said that they can assess students based on the submitted module output.  Technical assistance to teachers through online mentoring was conducted and 100% of teachers successfully observed and monitored through class observation by the principal with the help of head teacher and master teachers in checking and evaluating learning tasks prepared by teachers on their class.Safety/health protocol is strictly implemented in school. The administrator gives utmost importance to ensure all stakeholders will be protected from Covid-19.  It is recommended to improve technology access which includes internet access, computer devices for learners to strengthen the implementation of distance learning using blended learning modality for online class modality combine with modular learning modality. 
