This paper explores the understanding of sexuality and body image amongst students by heterosexual and homosexual teachers attending High Schools in Sydney, Australia between September 1996 and February 19 The concept of habitus (Bourdieu 1984) will be used to indicate the series of understanding of these issues and their dispositions to act that are manifested by these teachers. Broadly, the lack of perception of one issue (homosexuality) replictes as lack of awareness of body image issues amongst teachers and the converse occurs. This results in symbolic violence (Bourdieu 1984) through neglect against the students. The marginalisation of students who are perceived to be homosexual or whose body shape or mannerisms do not conform to the norm is evidenced as bullying and alienation, so the implications of this research have relevence for school teachers and their habitus. The links betwen machismo masculinity and homophobia are discussed as part of the hidden curriculum, whilst exerpts from teachers' interviews teachers are included for analysis of the processes of habitus and student exclusion. "They [teachers] don't want the kids to see they're supporting homosexuality because they might be accused of being homosexuals themselves" (James 17/12/96).