Constant change is demanded of teachers and their receptivity to the change impacts on the ability of educators to move forward. This paper reports a study which investigates teacher receptivity to a system-level change in a centralised education system.It sets out to investigate the relationship between teachers' receptivity to the change, the use of Student Outcome Statements, as the dependent variable, and seven independent variables in the context of differences in a number of situation variables. The dependent variable, receptivity, is measured in four aspects: feelings, attitudes, intentions and behaviour. The independent variables are set out in two groups - work organisations and teacher beliefs (feelings). Work organisations are measured in three aspects: shared goals, collaboration and teacher learning. Teacher beliefs are measured in four aspects: cost benefit, alleviation of fears and concerns, perceived support and feelings compared to previous system. The situation variables are the school's Socio Economic Status (SES) size and location, the department's subject area and size, the teachers's age, experience, gender, involvement in the decision to participate and the teacher's use and their purposes for the use of Student Outcome Statements.