This paper will be of interest to those seeking to increase their understanding of the organisation to which they belong or would like to belong. Organisational culture has an important function and is an important function as it is both product and process, it is both effect and cause. Culture facilitates organisational processes of co-ordination and control and can be an important source of motivation for members. It is usually regarded as an asset because it has an important role in fostering social cohesion and reducing uncertainty, particularly for people new to a group. Some authors have argued that an organisation‚s culture can also be a problem as the anxiety reducing function of culture tends to result in resistance toward change and new influences. An investigation of tertiary students‚ perceptions of the fairness of educational assessment through an ecological framework has prompted an ethnomethodological study of the cultures of the courses in which the students are enrolled.
This paper presents a theoretical overview of organisational culture; what it is, how it begins, develops and is maintained. It also considers the qualitative methods used by researchers in studying the culture of an organisation.
This paper presents a theoretical overview of organisational culture; what it is, how it begins, develops and is maintained. It also considers the qualitative methods used by researchers in studying the culture of an organisation.