2021 Language and Literacy SIG forums

Videos from the 2021 Language and Literacy SIG forums 

 1.   Title: The affordances and limitations of participatory research in the TESOL classroom

Dr Yvette Slaughter (University of Melbourne)

The affordances and limitations of participatory research in the TESOL classroom: Identity texts as a pedagogical tool/Identity texts as a professional learning tool

In this presentation from the 2021 À¶ÄñÊÓƵLanguage and Literacy SIG Research Round Table, Dr Yvette Slaughter (University of Melbourne) provides exemplars of participatory research from TESOL settings and challenges researchers to re-think traditional research approaches in which power is distributed unevenly and to genuinely incorporate the voices of research participants in all phases of the process.

Key words: literacy, participatory research, agency, collaboration, TESOL, EAL/D identity, research partnerships

Yvette Slaughter is a Research Fellow in the Research Unit for Multilingualism and Cross- Cultural Communication (RUMACCC) in the School of Languages and Linguistics at The University of Melbourne. Her research interests include language policy, language education (policy and implementation), bilingual education and sociolinguistics.

 2.   Title: Participatory Autism Research

Professor Liz Pellicano (Macquarie University)

Participatory Autism Research: Ensuring that autistic people are involved in the decisions that affect them - including in research

In this presentation from the  2021 À¶ÄñÊÓƵLanguage and Literacy SIG Research Round Table, Professor Liz Pellicano (Macquarie University) provides exemplars from her participatory autism research and challenges researchers to re-think traditional research approaches in which power is distributed unevenly and to genuinely incorporate the voices of participants in all phases of the process.

Professor Liz Pellicano is Professor in the Macquarie School of Education and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, having been Professor Autism Education and Director of the Centre for Research in Autism and Education at University College London. She is a developmental and educational psychologist committed to transforming autism science so that it more accurately reflects everyday autistic life. To that end, she actively involves autistic people and their allies as partners in the research, working together to shape the research agenda and the research process itself.

Key words: participatory research, agency, collaboration, autism, research partnerships

3.   Title: Participatory research with children and young people

Associate Professor Jacqueline D’warte (Western Sydney University)

Participatory Research Methods: Working with children and young people

In this presentation from the 2021 À¶ÄñÊÓƵLanguage and Literacy Research Round Table, Associate Professor Jacqueline D’warte provides exemplars from her research with young people in multilingual settings and challenges researchers to re-think traditional research approaches to genuinely incorporate the voices of participants in all phases of the process.

Associate Professor Jacqueline D'warte’s most recent research involves students in primary and high school in being ethnographers of their own language and literacy practices. This research builds on the linguistic and cultural diversity that exists in 21st century and her recent research investigates the linguistic and cultural ‘funds of knowledge' of Pre-Service Teachers.

Key words: literacy, participatory research, agency, collaboration, multilingual identity, research partnerships

4.   Title: Participatory Research: A response to the round table

Professor John Hajek

In this presentation from the 2021 À¶ÄñÊÓƵLanguage and Literacy Research Hive, Professor John Hajek offers a response to the presentations from the 2021 Research Round Table, on participatory research.  He invites reflection on the challenges of incorporating the voices of participants in all phases of the research process and reinforces the benefits of participatory methods identified by the speakers.

Professor John Hajek is Professor of Italian and Director of the Research Unit for Multilingualism and Cross-cultural Communication (RUMACCC) in the School of Languages and Linguistics at The University of Melbourne. He is also founding president of the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities (LCNAU).

Key words: literacy, participatory research, agency, collaboration, research partnerships